
线性光学 meaning in Chinese

linear optics


  1. The first chapter gives a brief introduction of linear and nonlinear optics and also the developing situation of the nonlinear optical properties
  2. Self - focusing is one of the fundamental problems in nonlinear optics . it has always been a hot topic since the naissance of nonlinear optics
  3. According to this derivation , a bi - linear optical system could be decomposed into a set of convolution kernels , which could then be convoluted with input pattern , and the resulting set of convolution fields could be superimposed to yield an intensity field
  4. It shows that when walk - off and diffraction effects could be ignored approximately estimation of the phase distribution of second - harmonic wave could be done . the far field divergent angle and second moment radius of harmonic wave will vary with the aberration of fundamental wave , but the far field divergent angle will be obviously smaller than that of fundamental wave . the phase distribution of both fundamental and harmonic wave is measured using hartmann - shack wave front sensor in the experiment with 1064nm and 790nm lasers , respectively
  5. In the last section , we show how entangled states are used in quantum dense coding , quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation . a new valuable scheme based on linear optical elements about teleportation of two - photon and multi - photon entangled states also has been proposed in this section . in this scheme t he probability of the successful teleportation is 50 % , which is optimal
    量子纠缠在量子信息中的应用这一章中,我们将首先分别介绍量子纠缠在量子密集编码,量子密钥分布,量子隐形传态中的应用,然后提出一种利用线性光学方法实现纠缠态的隐形传送方案,此方案的成功率为50 ,这也是目前为止最佳的成功几率。

Related Words

  1. 线性
  2. 光学
  3. 线性光密度计
  4. 线性光谱
  5. 线性光学系统
  6. 线性光学元件
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