
纵骨间距 meaning in Chinese

spacing of longitudinals


  1. These four ship ' s class societies all use two holds length finite element modal near the central section . they mesh the finite element modal mainly according to the distance of longitudinal frames , we call this fine mesh finite element modal . the elements in the modal are mainly shells and beams

Related Words

  1. 电键间距
  2. 纵缝
  3. 纵联
  4. 纵列
  5. 纵裂隙
  6. 纵轨枕
  7. 恣纵
  8. 纵裂果
  9. 纵壁
  10. 纵移
  11. 纵骨架式船纵肋架式船
  12. 纵骨架式结构
  13. 纵谷
  14. 纵观
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