索尼埃 meaning in Chinese
- Jacques sauni re was considered the premiere goddess iconographer on earth
雅克?索尼埃被认为是全球有关女性崇拜图像符号学的第一专家。 - A dead body has been found , setting langdon off on an adventure as he attempts to unravel an ancient code and uncover the greatest mystery of all time
凶案现场位于卢浮宫博物馆的大画廊,死者是年近八旬的老馆长雅克?索尼埃,他被公认为全球有关女性崇拜图像符号学的第一专家。 - There in the bowels of the louvre . . . with images of phi and da vinci swirling through his mind , robert langdon suddenly and unexpectedly deciphered11 sauni re ' s code . “ fibonacci numbers only have meaning in their proper order