
类碘 meaning in Chinese

eka iodine


  1. Surface - active agent these play carrier and help function that dissolve in bending over in iodine , complexing ability of them it helps to be very much ideal to dissolve result , these kind of iodine there are quite a few of " existence forms of iodine " that do not possess the sterilization activation but waste of bending over , can leave yellow to dye even burn the skin at skin also at the same time

Related Words

  1. 有机碘
  2. 碘量
  3. 准碘
  4. 仲碘
  5. 碘痤疮
  6. 碘酚酞
  7. 碘循环
  8. 碘甲苯
  9. 中性碘
  10. 碘分子
  11. 类地行星发现者号
  12. 类地租
  13. 类碘化甲状腺素
  14. 类典
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