
符号设计 meaning in Chinese

design of symbols


  1. Design and implement of map symbol design system in gis
  2. Design of area map symbols in layers
  3. Studying on the method of drawing digital map symbol based on object - oriented programming principle
  4. Bar code system is a self - identify one with three components : bar code design , execution , and scan reading
  5. Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - classification of connect nodes , networks and their encoding
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Related Words

  1. 天文符号
  2. 三星符号
  3. 符号形状
  4. 符号世界
  5. 到达符号
  6. 空白符号
  7. 算术符号
  8. 地址符号
  9. 符号卡片
  10. 符号替换
  11. 符号设备分配表
  12. 符号设备名
  13. 符号声明
  14. 符号失认
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