
秩相关系数 meaning in Chinese

rank correlation coefficient


  1. Could reflect the tendency relationship between two genes , while information entropy and fuzzy corr . coef . could reflect the dependency relationship of regulation
  2. The interspecific association and correlation of 36 dominant species of the wetland vegetation were analyzed by using x2 - test , pearson ' s coefficient and spearman ' s coefficient . the results shown that those dominant populations composed 630 species - pairs ; among the 36 species were herbs , and the higher significant association ' s or correlation of species - pairs were 49 , 88 , 71 , respectively , moreover , the significant association ' s or correlation of species - pairs were 31 , 9 , 7 , respectively
    采用x ~ 2检验、 pearson积矩相关系数和spearman秩相关系数等方法对湿地植物群落的种间关系研究,结果表明: 36个建群种群和优势种群构成的630个种对(其中主要是草本植物) ,其中极显著关联的种对数分别为49 、 88 、 71 ,显著关联的种对数分别是31 、 9 、 7 。
  3. Abstract : based on fuxin 1994 1998 air environmental inspection data , appllying pollution load method and order related index method , this article evaluates fuxin present situation of air environmental quality , analyses air pollution characters and reason , reveals air pollution change law and tendency and poses fuxin dominant questions existing in air environment
    文摘:以阜新市1994 1998年环境空气监测数据为基础,应用污染负荷法和秩相关系数法,评价了阜新市环境空气质量现状,分析了环境空气污染特征及其产生原因,揭示了环境空气污染变化规律及其变化趋势,提出了阜新市大气环境存在的主要问题。
  4. In the first part of this article , the problem of heteroscedasticity is put forward . the serious effect is also stated . in the first section of the second part , several commonly cited testing methods are introduced , such as graph method , spearman rank correlation coefficients test , park test , glejser test and goldfeld - quandt test
    在第二节中,首先综述了各种文献中给出的常用的检验异方差的方法,它们有图示法、斯皮尔曼( spearman )的秩相关系数检验法、帕克( park )检验法、格莱舍尔( glejser )检验法、戈德菲尔德-匡特( goldfeld - quandt )检验法。
  5. X2 test with 2 2 contingency table and ochiai indices were used to analyze the interspecific association of 12 dominant species of meadow community and 20 dominant species of scrub community and 18 dominant species of tree community . pearson ' s correlation coefficient and spearman ' s rank correlation coefficient were also applied to calculate correlations between species
    在该地区植被的优势种的种间关系的研究方面,运用2 2列联表、 x ~ 2检验方法对群落优势种进行总体相关性和种对间的联结性检验,利用共同出现百分率jaccord指数测定种对间的关联度,应用pearson相关系数和spearman秩相关系数刻画种对间的数量变化关系。

Related Words

  1. 秩相关
  2. 列秩
  3. 平秩
  4. 秩相关分析
  5. 行秩
  6. 秩任务
  7. 秩亏
  8. 矩阵秩
  9. 秩边
  10. 秩相关分析
  11. 秩相关矩阵
  12. 秩序
  13. 秩序报
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