
神事 meaning in Chinese



  1. Do not follow other gods to serve and worship them ; do not provoke me to anger with what your hands have made . then i will not harm you .
  2. They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers , which refused to hear my words ; and they went after other gods to serve them : the house of israel and the house of judah have broken my covenant which i made with their fathers
    耶11 : 10他们转去效法他们的先祖、不肯听我的话、犯罪作孽又随从别神事奉他以色列家和犹大家背了我与他们列祖所立的约。
  3. When i have brought them into the land flowing with milk and honey , the land i promised on oath to their forefathers , and when they eat their fill and thrive , they will turn to other gods and worship them , rejecting me and breaking my covenant
  4. " for when i bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey , which i swore to their fathers , and they have eaten and are satisfied and become prosperous , then they will turn to other gods and serve them , and spurn me and break my covenant
    申31 : 20因为我将他们领进我向他们列祖起誓应许那流奶与蜜之地、他们在那里吃得饱足、身体肥胖、就必偏向别神事奉他们、藐视我、背弃我的约。

Related Words

  1. 神示证据制度
  2. 神示制度
  3. 神是爱
  4. 神是我的父 希伯来文名字
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