
碳比率 meaning in Chinese

carbon ratio


  1. Soil eoc1 under broad - leaved stand increased gradually with temperature and reached the maximun in july and september . a more flat curve of soil eoc1 was observed in masson pine stand with a peak in july

Related Words

  1. 混合物比率
  2. 入学比率
  3. 比率测试
  4. 弹簧比率
  5. 透明比率
  6. 历来比率
  7. 通气比率
  8. 衰减比率
  9. 股本比率
  10. 比率作用
  11. 碳钡磷灰石
  12. 碳比
  13. 碳比率, 碳系数
  14. 碳比说
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