
硼浓度 meaning in Chinese

boron concentration


  1. In addition , the fission rate in the pwr can also be controlled by adjusting the boron a neutron absorber concentration in the primary coolant circuit
  2. In addition , the fission rate in the pwr can also be controlled by adjusting the boron ( a neutron absorber ) concentration in the primary coolant circuit
    此外,压水式反应堆的核裂变也可透过调节一回路内冷却剂中的硼浓度来控制(硼亦是一种中子吸收体) 。
  3. The results show that the dissolution and phase transformation products of chloropinnoite have been clearly influenced by solution ph , temperature , and total boron in the solution , but the third composition except boric acid has barely influenced on the dissolution and phase transformation of chloropoinnoit

Related Words

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  6. 硼化钨
  7. 硼酒石酸铝
  8. 膦硼烷
  9. 氮硼石
  10. 碘化硼
  11. 硼泥
  12. 硼镍铁矿
  13. 硼葡萄糖酸钙
  14. 硼浅闪石
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