
监护人应当履行监护职责 meaning in Chinese

a guardian shall fulfill his /her duty of guardianship


  1. Article 18 . a guardian shall fulfil his duty of guardianship and protect the person , property and other lawful rights and interests of his ward . a guardian shall not handle the property of his ward unless it is in the ward s interests

Related Words

  1. 监护人
  2. 法律监护人
  3. 指定监护人
  4. 古代监护人
  5. 人身监护人
  6. 被监护人
  7. 条例监护人
  8. 合法监护人
  9. 信托监护人
  10. 担保监护人
  11. 监护人身份
  12. 监护人嫌疑诉讼
  13. 监护人与被监护人
  14. 监护人与第三者之间的诉讼
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