皂角 meaning in Chinese
chinese honeylocust fruit
chinese honeylocust spine
- They include alkaloids, steroids, phenolics, saponins, tannins, resins, essential oils, various organic acids, and other componds .
它们包括生物碱、甾类化合物、酚类、皂角苷、丹宁、树脂、香精和各种有机酸,以及其他化合物。 - Specification : 350mg 6capsules 5pieces dosage : 1 capsules time , 1times day
成分:金银花,水皂角,米胚芽,何首乌,木犀草,芦荟 - No one ventured to gainsay the missionary , whose excited tone contrasted curiously with his naturally calm visage
美利坚合众国政府对于这些瑰树形成的篱笆和一丛丛的皂角树大戟树。 - They saw few or no churches , but the prophet s mansion , the court - house , and the arsenal , blue - brick houses with verandas and porches , surrounded by gardens bordered with acacias , palms , and locusts
这里教堂极少,有名的建筑物只有摩门先知祠法院和兵工厂。此外,就是许多带着前檐和长廊的淡青色砖房,四周是花园,花园里长着皂角树棕榈树和小红果树。 - The country around the lake was well cultivated , for the mormons are mostly farmers ; while ranches and pens for domesticated animals , fields of wheat , corn , and other cereals , luxuriant prairies , hedges of wild rose , clumps of acacias and milk - wort , would have been seen six months later