
疲劳积累 meaning in Chinese

fatigue accumulate


  1. Specially make for the people who have skin problem , which caused by living pressure , tire - working accumulate , circumstance pollution or fast speed of life living rhythm

Related Words

  1. 积累因子
  2. 疲劳应力
  3. 疲劳测试
  4. 嗅疲劳
  5. 发光疲劳
  6. 蓄积疲劳
  7. 辐射疲劳
  8. 疲劳比
  9. 双向疲劳
  10. 听觉疲劳
  11. 疲劳或休息宽放
  12. 疲劳机理
  13. 疲劳极取
  14. 疲劳极限
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