画水彩画 meaning in Chinese
paint in watercolours
- Teachers introduce different kinds of painting activities to children , including block printing , watercolours , floor painting and painting with droppers and rollers
老师将引导小朋友采用各种绘画形式:如拓印画水彩画地面画,再加上滴管滚筒等工具,创作出七彩缤纷的图画。 - I began sharing and teaching watercolor painting techniques to friends at 13 , and continued to organize informal studios while studying chemistry in college in china
我从小就与绘画结下了不解之缘。十三岁,我就和周围的小伙伴讲述自己画水彩画的心得和向他们传授绘画的技巧。 - Many of the painters of these historical pictures were western artists who came to china in the 18th and 19th century to trade or to tour . during their sojourns in hong kong , macau and guangzhou , they churned out many drawings , watercolours and oil paintings depicting scenes of the daily life and landscape they encountered
不少历史画作者是18 19世纪到中国游历的西方艺术家,他们在中国旅游经商行军或居住期间,藉写生,将人们生活状态及当地风光记录下来,创作了不少钢笔画水彩画及油画作品。