生发泡 meaning in Chinese
germ vesicle
germinal vesicle
vesicula germinativa
- The calcium oscillation and distribution before gvbd in mouse oocyte
小鼠卵母细胞生发泡破裂前的钙离子波动及分布 - Germinal vesicle ( gv ) transfer is a technique developed in recent years , which may be a valuable research procedure to study cell cycle regulation and characterize the cytoplasmic - nuclear interplay during maturation and fertilization of oocytes
生发泡( gv )移植是最近几年才建立起来的一种技术。通过gv移植可以研究细胞周期调控、成熟及受精时细胞核与细胞质之间的相互作用。 - The second medium included egf ing / ml and igf - 1 long / ml in addition to the control . likewise , the last medium contained 50 % granulosa cells conditioned medium . oocytes were cultured for 16 or 18 hours , and only the oocytes underwent first polar body extrusion were collected for future study
Inmegflug ml十igf 110ng ml )和颗粒细胞生长液组乃0颗粒细胞生长液) ,对昆明白小鼠生发泡期( ge讪nalvesicle , gv )卵母细胞进行体外成熟培养; 5