琉璃塔 meaning in Chinese
glazed pagoda
- Thoughts on reconstruction of the glazed pagoda of giant bao en temple
金陵大报恩寺琉璃塔的复原构想 - The temple was built in 1473 and its original name was zhenjuesi . in 1860 and 1900 , the temple was plundered and burned by aggressors and there was only an indian style pagoda left
89 《翠谷塔影》 ? ?香山琉璃塔,建于1780年。是香山昭庙在遭外侵劫难后,留存下来的宝塔,塔高10米,八角七层用琉璃砖瓦砌成低层围以白玉栏杆,塔基周围为木构廊庑,形式独特。