
烧伤残余创面 meaning in Chinese

residual burn wound


  1. Effect of fuchunsan i on healing of remaining wound surface in burn
  2. Clinical observation of burn remainder wounds treated with basic fibroblast growth factor

Related Words

  1. 创面电灼术 刷 刷布 刷尖放电 刷亮
  2. 烧伤
  3. 趾烧伤
  4. 烧伤油膏
  5. 躯干烧伤
  6. 口烧伤
  7. 耳烧伤
  8. 放射烧伤
  9. 咽烧伤
  10. 一级烧伤
  11. 烧伤病人转送
  12. 烧伤并发症
  13. 烧伤创面处理
  14. 烧伤创面感染程度分级法
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