漓江出版社 meaning in Chinese
lijiang publishing house
- Emory holloway , free and lonesome heart : the secret of walt whitman ( new york : vantage press , 1960 ) , p . 79
罗宾森: 《沃尔特?惠特曼》 ,李舒光译,载李野光编: 《惠特曼研究》 ,漓江出版社1988年版, 159页 - Since china became a member state of berne convention and the universal copyright convention , the publishing house has scored remarkable progress in co - publishing programs with foreign counterparts
中国加入伯尔尼公约和国际版权公约以来,漓江出版社在对外合作出版工作中取得了突出成就,被评为“全国图书对外版权贸易先进单位” 。