
汤姆叔叔的小屋 meaning in Chinese

uncle tom's cabin
uncle tom’s cabin


  1. Uncle tom in " < uncle tom ' s cabin > > creation of a novel was a resignation , to strive to rise up the slave trade
    汤姆叔叔在< <汤姆叔叔的小屋> >的小说中被创作成了一位逆来顺受,不愿奋起力争的黑奴
  2. It may be surrounded by the over - large suburban houses that americans call " mcmansions " , by endless clogged highways and dreary shopping malls , but the real uncle tom ' s cabin is a snip at just under 1 million
  3. With the application of northrop frye ' s theory of archetype , this paper attempts to analyze the various characters in uncle tom ' s cabin , such as uncle tom , little eva , eliza , pious christian mothers , ligree , sambo and qimbo and etc . . it aims at revealing the christianity in this novel , and thus furthers our understanding of the classic novel from a new perspective

Related Words

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  3. 班叔叔
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  5. 怪叔叔
  6. 柱叔叔
  7. 僵尸叔叔
  8. 汤姆叔叔
  9. 鲍勃叔叔
  10. 叔叔于勒
  11. 汤姆叔叔
  12. 汤姆叔叔的孩子们
  13. 汤姆斯
  14. 汤姆斯・杰・瑞恩
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