
比较哲学 meaning in Chinese

comparative philosophy


  1. Methodological reflections on comparative pilosophy
  2. Metaphysica and xing ' ershangxue : reflections on daoxue from comparative philosophy
  3. [ yu hong . chinese literary theories and western poetics . beijing : the joint publishing company ltd . , 1999
    安哲乐: 《和而不同:比较哲学与中西会通》 .北京:北京大学出版社, 2002年
  4. The philosophy programme offers rigorous training in philosophy in both the eastern and western traditions . students are equipped with necessary basic knowledge and analytical skills for advanced studies in philosophy of either tradition or in comparative philosophy
  5. First of all , the paper , based on the semantic analysis of experience and the comparison between the interpretation of experience by such disciplines as philosophy , psychology , aesthetics and pedagogy , indicates that experience is characterized with ontology , personal experiencing , affectivity , integrity , generativity , autonomy , and individuality . the paper then expounds the basic characteristics of experienced teaching from the viewpoints of the nature and goal orientation of teaching process , teacher - student relationship and course . the paper , based on the review of the main problems of current teaching theories and on the exploration of the relationship between experienced teaching , qualification education and innovative education , finally emphasizes the theoretical and practical significance of the experienced teaching research

Related Words

  1. 现代西方哲学主体间性理论及其困境
  2. 比较服装
  3. 比较实验
  4. 比较系数
  5. 比较元件比较环节
  6. 比较寿命
  7. 比较法
  8. 比较仪
  9. 比较文件
  10. 定量比较
  11. 比较造价
  12. 比较战略
  13. 比较振荡器
  14. 比较正式,可指两人或多人聚会
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