
比特差错率 meaning in Chinese

bit error rate


  1. Space - time codes can be divided into tree mainly parts : bell layered space - time architecture ( blast ) , space - time trellis codes ( sttc ) and space - time block codes ( stbc ) . in this paper , we mainly compare the performance of blast and stbc in many aspects , such as design criterion , transmission rate , diversity gain , diversity combining , bit error rate and channel capacity etc . in this paper , we first respectively analysed the instantaneous received symbol energy - to - noise ratio of v _ blast in the diversity combining methods of maximal ratio combining ( mrc ) , equal gain combing ( egc ) and selective combing ( sc )
    Mimo技术核心是空时编码( stc ) 。空时编码主要分为三种:分层空时码( blast ) 、空时格码( sttc )和空时块码( stbc ) 。本文主要对分层空时码和空时块码这两种编码方式在设计准则、传输速率、分集增益、接收合并、比特差错率和信道容量等方面进行了较为详尽的研究。

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  1. 平均差错率
  2. 比特雷
  3. 西比特
  4. 比特号码
  5. 比特损坏
  6. 比特丢失
  7. 比特号
  8. 裘比特
  9. 比特分辨率
  10. 比特病毒
  11. 比特插入
  12. 比特差错概率
  13. 比特差错率,误码率
  14. 比特持续时间
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