毁约行为 meaning in Chinese
breach of contract br>
- The first , the second and the third part is on what is anticipatory breach of contract , the reasons why these acts happen and the resource of this remedy system
我国合同法针对预期毁约行为也作了规定。一般认为,其中第94条第二项、第108条是关于预期毁约的规定。 - On the contrary , the writer thinks that article 68 and 69 are not similar to the continental genealogy of law but to the rules of anglo - american genealogy of law . the writer also thinks that article 94 ( 2 ) is similar to continental genealogy of law
针对合同一方当事人的预期毁约行为,无服大陆法系跟英美法系均有救济,只是在适用上,大陆法系须多个制度环环相扣,英美法系则以一个制度?一预期毁约?一囊括所有问题。 - Anticipatory breach of contract destroys the balance of the two parties " benefit . to protect the innocent party , the anglo - american genealogy of law sets up a remedy system of anticipatory breach . in the remedy system of anticipatory breach , there are different measures to different situations
在非即时清结交易场合,合同当事人基于自身利益或者客观原因,有可能在合同有效订立后至履行期限届满之前发生毁约行为,这就是所谓的“预期毁约行为” 。