树蟋 meaning in Chinese
tree crickets
- Among 54 arbitrary primers tested , only 9 primers could generate clear and reproducible fragments in 32 species belonging to 12 genera of the family gryllidae ; 9 primers in 15 species belonging to 7 genera of the family trigonidiidae ; 12 primers in 3 species belonging to the genus oecanthus of the family oecanthidae ; 12 primers in 4 species belonging to 3 genera of the family eneopteridae ; 13 primers in 1 species belonging to the genus homoeogryllus of the family phalangopsidae ; 13 primers in 1 species belonging to the genus sclerogryllus of the family sclerogryllidae ; and 13 primers in 1 species belonging to the genus eulandrevus of the family gryllomorphidae
本研究经用54种随机引物对57种蟋蟀的rapd扩增分析得出以下结论: 1 )采用rapd技术,首次较系统地对中国蟋蟀总科7科26属共57种蟋蟀进行了系统学研究。在所试用的54种随机引物中筛选出可扩增出清晰可辨且稳定的rapd图谱的引物分别为:蟋蟀科9种、岭蟋科9种、树蟋科12种、结蟋科12种、蛛蟋科13种、铁蟋科13种、貌蟋科13种。