
杀菌肽 meaning in Chinese



  1. Cationic antibacterial peptides are found in insect , animal and plant . they are grouped into four classes including cecropins , magainins , melittins and defensins . cema consists of eight amino acid from n - terminus of cecropin a and c - terminus of modified melittin
    阳离子抗菌肽是一类广泛存在于昆虫、动物、植物体内的小分子抗菌活性多肽,大体可分为:杀菌肽( cecropin ) 、蛙皮素( magainin ) 、蜂毒素( melittin ) 、防御素( defensin )等四大类。

Related Words

  1. 杀菌体
  2. 真空杀菌
  3. 杀菌冷却
  4. 杀菌袋
  5. 杀菌涂料
  6. 杀菌度
  7. 杀菌器
  8. 杀菌药
  9. 杀菌效果
  10. 低压杀菌
  11. 杀菌酌
  12. 杀菌作用
  13. 杀开血路
  14. 杀抗松
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