
本草经 meaning in Chinese

herbal classic


  1. “the shen nong ben cao jing " , written more than 2000 years ago , was the earliest book on materia medica in the world. recorded in the book are over 300 kinds of animals , plants , and minerals used for medication .
  2. Huang di ' s classic of internal medicine is a mark of the establishment of tcm theoretical system . . and it is still considered as the guideline for chinese herbal medicine
  3. Apitherapy has a long history in china ' s traditional medicine , which had been recorded in ancient medical books such as shen nong ' s herbal , treatise on cold - induced febride diseases and compendium of materia medica
    蜂疗学在我国传统医学中具有悠久的历史,古代医学书籍《神农本草经》 、 《伤寒论》 、 《本草纲目》等中均有记载。
  4. Vements : study on " recipes for 52 kinds of disorders " , study on " medical bamboo slips of han dynasty unearthed in wu wei " , chinese translation of " four medical tantras " , glossary of selected medical nomenclatures , a concise dictionary of tcm , study on variorum of shen -
  5. By analysing the regional characteristics of distribution of producing locations of medicines included in shennong s classic of meteria medica , it is pionted out that , based on quantity of production , yizhou of the 13 bu - administrative regions and taishan prefecture are the locations for massive production of medicines in the han dynasty . judging from distribution of locations , luoyang , the eastern capital and changan the western capital are the two centers , with the former more productive than the latter . it is suggested that the hongnong prefecture , the mid point between luoyang and changan , was an important crude drug trading center in the eastern han dynasty . the records of producing locations in shennong s classic of meteria medica reflects the importance it attaches to the genuine producing sites and dimonstrates the changes of genecine locations of drug production since the qin - han periods
    分析《本草经》药物产地分布的区域特征后指出:以出产药物数量计,汉代十三部政区中之益州,郡国中之泰山郡是当时大宗药物产地;从药物产地分布来看,药物出产分别以东都雒阳、西京长安为中心,向外辐射,而东部产药多于西部;推测位于雒阳与长安中心点的弘农郡,可能是东汉时期重要的药材贸易场所; 《本草经》关于药物产地的记载,反映了此书对药物道地性的重视,同时也在一定程度上揭示了秦汉以来药物道地产区的变化。

Related Words

  1. 本草
  2. 本草书
  3. 本草从新
  4. 本草拾遗
  5. 本草文献
  6. 图说本草
  7. 本草药王
  8. 本草纲目
  9. 唐本草
  10. 救荒本草
  11. 本草纲目
  12. 本草纲目拾遗
  13. 本草经集注
  14. 本草品汇精要
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