
有点愚蠢 meaning in Chinese

a little foolish
just a bit stupid


  1. It ' s kind of stupid , i know . it ' s silly
  2. But in every nation , there is a vast class of people who are cowardly , and more or less stupid
  3. “ well , that was a bit stupid of you , ” said ginny angrily , “ seeing as you don ' t know anyone but me who ' s been possessed by you - know - who , and i can tell you how it feels
    (这样你就有点愚蠢了?金妮生气地说:这麽说好像你忘了我是真正被佛地魔附身过的人一样,而我可以告诉你那是怎麽样的感觉! )
  4. “ well , that was a bit stupid of you , ” said ginny angrily , “ seeing as you don ' t know anyone but me who ' s been possessed by you - know - who , and i can tell you how it feels
    (这样你就有点愚蠢了~金妮生气地说. . .这样说好像你从未认识任何一个真正被佛地魔附身的人一样. .而我可以告诉你那是怎麽样的感觉! )

Related Words

  1. 美貌和愚蠢常结伴
  2. 有点名气
  3. 有点红细胞
  4. 有点墨水
  5. 有点疯狂
  6. 有点呆板
  7. 有点醉
  8. 生来有点疲倦
  9. 略微有点感冒
  10. 她有点害羞
  11. 有点玄乎
  12. 有点用
  13. 有点阵图像文件
  14. 有点重了
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