
替代父母 meaning in Chinese

surrogate parents


  1. Of course , they like toys , too , but toys cannot replace parents love . if you play with them each day , talk with them more , explain things to them more , they will become very smart and be one with their parents . when they grow up they will be like friends , because they have been with their parents

Related Words

  1. 替代文字
  2. 替代乘数
  3. 替代汇率
  4. 检查替代
  5. 替代法
  6. 替代原子
  7. 替代标准
  8. 替代程序
  9. 替代神经官能症
  10. 替代作物
  11. 替代分析
  12. 替代服务
  13. 替代负荷
  14. 替代根
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