明茨伯格 meaning in Chinese
henry minzberg
- We invited thought leaders to share with us their revolutionary ideas on issues critical to business operation ; we created a platform for industry leaders to voice their philosophies of business and management ; we encouraged in - depth discussion on effective management through real - life cases ; and we wrote cover stories to unveil the inside of a man that makes him so successful . through these efforts , we want to make the journal a real link between the school and the alumni , and between the academics and the business world
我们不仅为校友带来了菲利浦科特勒亨利明茨伯格等世界级大师的最新声音,也与大家分享了我们教授的最新观点和研究成果我们邀请企业领袖做客“管理论坛” ,探讨管理之道我们开展“案例讨论” ,解剖企业成功得失我们引导读者“时事关注” ,透析当前社会热点唤醒企业家的责任与意识我们撰写“人物故事” ,讨论如何做人做事。