无表决权 meaning in Chinese
have no right to vote
- The board may approve special members to provide expertise that is beneficial to the operation of the board or qualification / certification program . these members shall not have voting rights
认证部可以批准一些特别成员,为其提供有利于认证部运行或资格鉴定/认证活动的咨询和帮助。特别成员无表决权。 - It is argued that 1 ) the exemption rights party is entitled to the right to apply for bankruptcy except that it secures the debt of someone other than itself with its own property ; 2 ) the credits entitled to exemption rights shall be declared within the expiry set by law , otherwise it shall lose the right of preconsideration ; 3 ) regarding the position of the exemption rights " party at the creditors meeting , the bankruptcy law stipulates that it has no voting power for the meeting ' s decision , but on the other hand , the bankruptcy law also stipulates that the decision is binding on it
第三部分别除权人的破产申请权与债权申报等问题,文章认为, 1 、别除权人享有破产申请权,但破产人以其财产为他人担保时,别除权人无破产申请权。 2 、享有别除权的债权也须在法定期限内申报,否则不能优先受偿。 3 、关于别除权人在债权人会议中的地位,我国破产法一方面规定其对债权人会议的议案无表决权,另一方面又规定债权人会议的决议对其有约束力,权利与义务不相对应,显然是对别除权人利益的不当损害,应加以修改,别除权人对与其利益相关的事项应当享有表决权。