无形资产收益额 meaning in Chinese
earnings of intangible assets
- The taking of the income of a single intangible assets is the base valuing intangible assets , which is difficult to obtain because people always make the income together . after the incomes of whole intangible assets are obtained from the whole assets , we use the ahp model to get the income of a single intangible assets
单项无形资产收益额数据的取得是评估无形资产的基础,由于有形资产和无形资产所创收益往往被汇总在一起,无形资产收益额的获取有一定的难度,本文利用层次分析法将无形资产与有形资产相分离,使得无形资产的分割更加科学、合理。 - In this paper , some mathematical methods used to forecast the income of intangible assets are compared , in which we find some mathematical methods ( the forecasting model in time sequence , exponential smoothing estimation method , regressive model ) are not same with the valuing intangible assets , grey model and s - curve model are good to valuing intangible assets . in the base of this , combinatorial model is brought forward in order to make up the limitation of other mathematical me thods