
新生儿期 meaning in Chinese

neonatal period


  1. Clinical analysis of congenital heart disease of the newborns
  2. Bilirubin neurotoxicity and influential factors in neonatal period
  3. Clinically , patients present in the neonatal period or early childhood with bilateral renal enlargement
  4. Women who were employed and those with a higher education level were less likely to breast - feed 4 months
  5. Serious person the child is in new student period can appear xin door is particularly big , did not fold because of two parietal bone and before of xin door hind horn and hind xin door be connected to
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Related Words

  1. 新生儿疾病
  2. 新生儿呕血
  3. 新生儿盆浴
  4. 新生儿激越
  5. 新生儿惊厥
  6. 新生儿癫痫
  7. 新生儿上肢麻痹
  8. 新生儿后期评分
  9. 新生儿肌强直
  10. 新生儿肠扭转
  11. 新生儿破伤风疫苗
  12. 新生儿破伤风诊断标准及处理原则
  13. 新生儿期胆汁郁积
  14. 新生儿期葡萄球菌病
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