
数控线切割 meaning in Chinese

digital control wire-electrode cutting


  1. It analyzes cad module class and system data structure , realizes cad module function of numerical control wire cutting integrated system by discussed technology and method
  2. As a chinese saying goes , the mechanic , who wishes to do his work well , must first sharpen his tools . modern company . it has domestically advanced fixed - girder machining center , cnc milling machines , cnc line - cutting machine tools and so on , which could guarantee the machining qualigy and meet the designing q qualification and standard of the industry
    “工欲善其事,必先利其器” ,现代科技拥有国内最先进的加工设备加工中心、数控机床、数控线切割等,能有效保证加工精度,确保每件产品产品均达到设计要求和行业标准。
  3. This factory has advanced mould and blame bid at present manufacturing facilities : lathe of grinder of electric spark of cut of accurate numerical control line , numerical control , numerical control , numerical control , milling machine , punching machine , measuring projector and number stage doubleclick cold dui machine , 3 labour , 4 labour , 5 labour digit accuses to wait for cold dui equipment , assembled advanced cad / three - dimensional wait for computational subdesign to be able to come according to the client development tastes tulaiyang newly
    本厂目前具有先进的模具及非标件生产设备:精密的数控线切割、数控电火花、数控磨床、数控车床、铣床、冲床、投影仪和数台双击冷镦机、三工位、四工位、五工位数控等冷镦设备,并装配了先进的cad /三维等计算辅助设计可根据客户来图来样开发新品。
  4. This paper introduces a method for calculating accurate coordinates in a cam contour . using a computer program , puts forward a technological process for machining the cam contour with a nc linear cutting machine . both of them are suitable for development of new products and localization of inport products
    介绍运用计算机精确计算凸轮轮廓尺寸的方法及数控线切割机加工凸轮轮廓工艺.其计算过程是:先根据凸轮轮廓尺寸原始数据运用c + +语言编程,然后用计算机精确计算凸轮轮廓尺寸.其加工步骤是:先按数控线切割机的指令格式编程,然后线切割机按程序指令控制钼丝的运行轨迹
  5. The function of the software use pc - computer to dispose the output signal which is produced by the device as following steps : ( 1 ) to input data by parallel interface ( 2 ) to record and form a file ( 3 ) to demonstrate results step by step ( 4 ) the results could be compiled ( 5 ) it can synthesis in the permitted error scope , substituted original dot for line or arc , finally we could get a graph that is described by some simply curve . ( 6 ) to convert these graph into a program , which used in the cutting process of numerical control . ( 7 ) the software also includes some protective methods
    而系统处理软件的作用是:利用pc兼容机,将上述装置的输出信号( 1 )通过并行口输入( 2 )记录成文件( 3 )逐点显示出来( 4 )可人工进行化简,编辑(删、改点)等( 5 )可在给定误差范围内进行人工拟合,用直线和圆弧取代原来的点,得到一个与原图形的误差在规定范围内,又消除跟踪过程中因受到各种干扰而造成的缺陷,由尽可能少而简捷的数学曲线描述的图形( 6 )把这些图形转化成用于编制数控线切割加工程序及autocad能够识别的文件(主要指dxf格式) ( 7 )该软件还有一定的加密措施。

Related Words

  1. 数控部件
  2. 分布式数控
  3. 数控加工
  4. 数控电视
  5. 数控液压机
  6. 数控弯曲机
  7. 直接数控系统
  8. 数控立式车床
  9. 数控加工验证
  10. 机床数控系统
  11. 数控铣刀
  12. 数控系统
  13. 数控线切割机床
  14. 数控线切削机
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