数据损失 meaning in Chinese
dl data loss
- What to do in the event of data loss
如何是好在发生数据损失 - If you are facing a data loss situation , what not to do is very important
如果你是面临数据损失情况,什么不可以做,是很重要的 - This includes loss of data resulting from delays , nondeliveries , wrong delivery , and any and all service interruptions caused by hostlike . com and its employees
Hostlike . com不承担因意外原因,以及任何服务中断而产生的数据损失。 - All such warranties , representations , conditions , undertakings and terms are hereby excluded . egate2china makes no warranty or representation as to the legality , truthfullness , accuracy or completeness of any information displayed through the service by a member . neither egate2china nor any of its affiliates shall be liable for such information
通过使用“服务”而下载或以其他形式获取任何材料是由您自行全权决定进行的,且与此有关的风险由您自行承担,对于因您下载任何该等材料而发生的您的电脑系统的任何损毁或任何数据损失,您将自行承担责任。 - By submitting a web page to sinobal , or any other web page hosting service on sinobal , you grant sinobal a world - wide , royalty - free , nonexclusive , worldwide , unrestricted license to use , copy , transmit , publicly display , publicly perform , create compilations including , and distribute such web page , and any associated content , for the limited purposes of publishing and promoting the user s web page in connection with the particular service with which the user has chosen to have the web page hosted and for publishing and promoting such web page elsewhere within sinobal