政通人和 meaning in Chinese
logical administration and harmonious people
- The comprehensive national strength is being enhanced day by day . the western countries , which once tried by all means to blockade , control and isolate china , are working to improve their relationship and do business with the country
整个国家社会稳定、民族团结、政通人和、经济发展,人民安居乐业,综合国力日益增强,那些曾经千方百计封锁、制裁、孤立中国的西方国家,也不得不重新与中国对话,改善与中国的关系,和中国做生意。 - This papers comes to the conclusion of business ethics of confucian business enterprises , the talent notion of “ humanism ” , the business notion of gaining the benefit by proper means , the market notion of “ honest and faithful ” and the development notion of “ liberal government make people support ” . analyse the internal and external ethics characteristic of the confucian business enterprise in the organization principles , behavior ways and basic aim as well as the assupmtion of human nature
本文从儒商的基本概念和历史发展着眼,总结出儒商企业以“仁”为本的人才观,以义取利的经营观, “诚信待人”的营销观和“政通人和”的发展观这四大管理伦理观念,分析儒商企业处理内外伦理关系和企业管理过程中人性假设、组织原则、行为方式和根本目标环节的伦理特点。 - As is universally recognized , the 13 years have been a period in which china ' s overall national strength has risen by a big margin , the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before , and china has enjoyed long - term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people
人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。人们公认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升人民得到实惠最多的时期,是我国社会长期保持安定团结政通人和的时期,是我国国际影响显著扩大民族凝聚力极大增强的时期。 - The citys economy is becoming more prosperous day by day . the city government has formulated a series of policies to promote foreign investment . rules and regulations have been made in investment means , industry introduction , preferential policies and right guarantee