
收费信息 meaning in Chinese

fee based content
fee-based content


  1. Information classification and codes for port tariff
  2. In 2001 , chinese listed companies were required to disclose their audit fees in annual reports for the fist time
  3. With the maturity of kilo mega ethernet technology in highway region and with consideration of the features of domestic highway communication system , alcatel ' s highway systems adopt ethernet - based communication system platform , upon which voice communication , video surveillance and charge information are all based , truly realizing the integration of the three networks ? voice , video and data
    在高速公路领域,随着千兆以太网技术的成熟,基于国内高速公路通信系统的特点,阿尔卡特的高速公路系统采用基于以太网的传输系统平台,并且将语音通信、图像监控、收费信息传输等都构筑在这一平台之上,做到了真正的语音、图像、数据的“三网合一” 。
  4. Till now , studies on audit fees in china securities market are rarely few and most of all are normative research . a series of empirical research , which are carried on to study the problem of audit fees in chinese securities market , will not only help investors understand annual report , but also offer empirical evidence for the supervision department to make supervision measures

Related Words

  1. 收费项目
  2. 双向收费
  3. 收费箱
  4. 收费服务
  5. 收费邮箱
  6. 暂停收费
  7. 逆向收费
  8. 收费棚
  9. 分区收费
  10. 拖欠收费
  11. 收费箱
  12. 收费项目
  13. 收费信息 (互联网)
  14. 收费信息 (互联网)来源:考试大
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