
拳拳 meaning in Chinese

[书面语] sincere 短语和例子


  1. Martial art competition : compete in groups or in one - on - one fight
  2. Nothing is impossible n . america version
  3. Place your foot slowly in position , from toes to heel . turn your body to the left and shift your weight onto your left foot to form an empty step
    5 、引入形意拳拳式简约而内意弥深之理,使孙氏太极拳的拳式至简精纯。
  4. In the new century , tangxia people are sincerely expecting guests from all over the world to come and make inspection and investment in the town
  5. " well , " he said , as he took her arm - and there was an exuberance of good - fellowship in the word which fairly warmed the cockles of her heart
    “来吧, ”他说着挽起了她的手臂。他说这话时情意拳拳,使她心里感到很温暖。
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Related Words

  1. 情意拳拳
  2. 拳拳之心
  3. 拳拳赤子心
  4. 拳拳之忱
  5. 拳曲的, 卷毛的, 弯曲的
  6. 拳曲地蜷缩地
  7. 拳拳赤子心
  8. 拳拳服膺
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