拳式 meaning in Chinese
- 10 . bring your right hand toward your right ear , and turn to the left
基,内运五行、外演八卦,使拳式合于易理。 - Place your foot slowly in position , from toes to heel . turn your body to the left and shift your weight onto your left foot to form an empty step
5 、引入形意拳拳式简约而内意弥深之理,使孙氏太极拳的拳式至简精纯。 - As your hands move , raise your right foot and step back as before , this tie shifting your weight to the right foot . 14 . bring your left hand level with your ar
6 、以形意拳三体式为整套拳式技术之基础,要求重心上下无起伏,始终在一个水平面上运动,培育机体一触即发之本能。 - Turn to the right . move your right hand up and to the side , to shoulder height , palm facing up , while your left hand is palm down . look at your left hand
整套拳式的基本移动方式,要求重心始终在两足上交替变换,利用重心的连续变换协调、浑融周身的阴阳、虚实,求中和而达至空、至灵。 - Open your hands shoulder - width apart , and shift your weight onto your right foor , left toes lifted . pull back your hands in front of you , palms facing out and slightly down . look straight ahead to 9 oclock