拉利斯 meaning in Chinese
- The russian - chinese trade will have hit a record high of us 20 us by the end of this year , a senior russian diplomat said on saturday
今年前六个月,索拉利斯生产了188辆大客车。但下半年的订单还有312辆。 - The spokesman pointed out that the oil and gas industry is a priority cooperation field for the two neighbors and russia plans to supply 6 . 4 million tons of oil to china this year
索拉利斯目前正急于扩大产能,该公司计划建立一个新的生产车间,并对生产工艺进行简化和改进。 - In a comment on the imminent visit by chinese premier wen jiabao to russia , russian foreign ministry spokesman alexander yakovenko expressed his belief on the growth of bilateral trade for the year
更令索拉利斯自豪的是,今年,公司打入了以苛刻和挑剔著称的德国瑞士和法国市场,其中被德国城市预订的大客车超过了100辆。 - A total of 172 joint research projects are operating in a wide range of subjects including biotechnology and microbiology , nuclear physics and high energy physics , oil chemistry , telecommunications and seismology
今年,索拉利斯发布了一系列新产品,其中包括13米长的索拉利斯vacanza 13豪华大客车,新一代urbino iii低地板大客车等。