手筋 meaning in Chinese
- Go basic tesuji - tengzhexiuxing
初中高级手筋题目 - The skill of attack - cut ; capture race - way of increasing and reducing liberties ; liberties - big eye and small eye ; the utilization of ko ; the key point of attack and defense ; the common knowledge of intruding territory ; the tesuji of bridge under ; the technique of framework combat ; the skill of endgame ; the choice of joseki ; the common dead live in corner ; the comments of actual games
攻击手法分断对杀长气和紧气的方法气和大小眼劫的运用攻守的要点打入的常识托过挤过连通手筋大模样作战要领官子常用手法定式的选择角上死活常型实战对局讲评 - What is weiqi ? ; rules of weiqi ; magic of capturing stones ; how to finish the game ? ; basics of attack and defence ; techniques of capture ; direction of atari ; starting a game ; common strategies ; affirming territories ; shapes and tesujis ; weiqi proverbs ; types of chess formation ; common life and death problems ; endgame skill
什么是围棋围棋规则吃子的魔术怎样下完一盘棋攻守的基础吃子技巧打吃的方向开局的知识下棋常用手法巩固地盘的下法棋形与手筋围棋格言及运用布局类型介绍死活常型官子手法 - Stone - escaping skill ; sideboard corner stone capture ; stalemate triple alive ; the common skill of weiqi ; hane and two - step hane ; dig between two enemy stones ; abandon strategy ; fantasy capturing stone - by abandoning ; expand territory ; way of connection ; a set sequence of moves joseki ; attack defense skill ; common opening stage theory ; position situation judgment