手心向下 meaning in Chinese
palm down
- We help others with our palms down ; we ask for help with our palms up ; helping brings happiness , begging brings pain
手心向下是助人,手心向上是求人;助人快乐,求人痛苦。 - Stephen thrusts the ashplant on him and slowly holds out his hands , his head going back till both hands are a span from his breast , down turned in planes intersecting , the fingers about to part , the left being higher
斯蒂芬把?木手杖塞给林奇,缓缓摊开双手,头朝后仰。在距胸部一?的地方手心向下,十指尖交叉,若即若离。左手举得略高。 - 1 . shift your weight onto your right foot and turn your body to the right , turning the toes of your left foot in . make an arc with the left hand , past your abdomen and finishing in front of your right shoulder , palm tilted in
右野马分鬃:重心后移,左脚尖翘起,身体微向左转,左脚尖外撇,左手手心向下翻转,重心前移,上右脚成右丁步,右手向前下划弧与左手掌心相对成丁步抱球,右野马分鬃,右脚向前上步,重心前移,右掌向前分出,左手落于左髋关节外侧。 - Your right hand continues to move right , past your face , palm turned out , while your left hand makes an arc past your abdomen and up to shoulder level , with the palm tilted in . then take a side step with your left foot . look at your left hand