总贷款 meaning in Chinese
overall loan
- These loans make up about seven percent of all mortgages
这些贷款占总贷款的7左右。 - Over that eight - year period , the bond market s share in total financing grew from 11 percent to 19 percent
年期间,债券市场在总贷款额中所占比重,由11 %增加至 - Up to 31 march 2003 , the hkmc has received 321 applications involving a total loan amount of hk 601 million
截至2003年3月31日,按揭证券公司共收到321份申请,总贷款金额为6 . 01亿港元。 - Of these , offshore loans recorded the most significant decline of 36 . 7 per cent , mainly attributable to a contraction in euro - yen impact loans
以全年计,总贷款及垫款减少19 . 8 % ,其中离岸贷款录得最大跌幅,达到36 - The falling trend of total loans continues . growth of total and advanced loans slid to - 18 . 7 percent in october from - 17 . 9 percent in july