
性别比率 meaning in Chinese

sex ratio


  1. When there were 110 men for every 100 women ( as , for example , in arizona ) , the women got really choosy
    在男女性别比率为110 : 100 (如在亚利桑那州)时候,女士们仍然会精挑细选。
  2. Sociologists are calling for swift measures to be taken to address the nation ' s growing gender ratio imbalance
  3. Tian said that a deeply rooted traditional concept that " boys are better than girls " is the reason behind the imbalanced ratio
  4. A census in 2000 showed that the gender ratio between female and male infants was 100 to 116 . 9 , with this widening to 100 to 118 . 88 in 2005
    一项2000年的调查表明性别比率在男婴和女婴之间的比率是100比116 . 9 ,这个数据在2005年将扩展到100比188 . 88
  5. " an imbalanced gender ratio will naturally lead to problems in terms of seeking spouses , " zheng said . " and less competitive males could be forced out .
    “失调的性别比率在寻找配偶时期可能导致很多问题。 ”陈说, “缺少竞争力的男性可能被淘汰出局。 ”
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Related Words

  1. 性别比
  2. 性别比例
  3. 性别比例失衡
  4. 新生儿性别比例
  5. 死亡的性别比率
  6. 伤亡的性别比率
  7. 性别比例
  8. 性别比例失衡
  9. 性别表达
  10. 性别不限
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