
微分截面 meaning in Chinese

differential cross section
differential cross-section


  1. Calculation of the energy levels of the ground state of carbon atom
  2. The theoretical formularies of invary amplitude , the form factor of nucleons a and differential cross sections are given about this process
  3. The integral , differential , partial wave cross sections and reaction probabilities are calculated for the three collision systems
    计算中采用了lsth 、 bkmp和pk三种势能面,计算了三个碰撞体系的积分截面、微分截面、分波截面和反应几率。
  4. The results show that the vibrational excitation ( 0 5 , 1 5 ) cross sections are converged using 18 vibrational states and 12 partial waves
    研究表明在振动密耦合计算中使用18个振动波函数和12个分波数目,可以得到收敛的0 5 , 1 5等高激发散射的积分和微分截面
  5. In p - a drell - yan process , the incident quark will experience multiple collisions with different nucleons in the nucleus , which leads to the suppressed drell - yan cross section , in another words , the nuclear shadowing effect
    在靶静止系,对于p - a碰撞的drell - yan过程,入射夸克要与原子核中的不同核子发生多次碰撞,使得总的微分截面被压低,这就是遮蔽效应。
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