
影响域 meaning in Chinese

domain of influence


  1. Changes in the serialization process will have no affect on the stability of the domain
  2. Research on shape function of meshless method and influence domain of weighted function adjacent to nonconvex fields
  3. Changing basis function is an effective method . so , fixed nodes method which needs same numbers of points in every sub - domain is advanced
  4. This algorithm could fast determine disconnected depressions and their influence areas on the basis of acquiring digital tide - coordinates shorelines ( dts )
    此算法在提取数字伴潮海岸线( dts )的基础上,快速确定不连通的洼地及其影响域
  5. In the pim , the problem domain is represented by properly scattered points . the displacement at a point is interpolated by the displacements in the influence domain of this point
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Related Words

  1. 发生影响
  2. 色彩影响
  3. 经济影响
  4. 影响气温
  5. 严重影响
  6. 教育影响
  7. 船体影响
  8. 螺旋桨影响
  9. 影响面
  10. 反作用影响
  11. 影响与参考条件
  12. 影响语言设计
  13. 影响域法
  14. 影响预测
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