弃去 meaning in Chinese
- The material is trucked in dry form, as it comes off the filter, to the mines or excavated areas and dumped .
物料从过滤机排出后以干物质的形式用卡车运到矿山或挖空处,然后弃去。 - Discard unused prepared formula , if it hasn t been used within 24 hours
小时内未食用,应该弃去。 - Western blot analysis we treated 200 fertilized eggs in a series of steps including lysing them in l0ul of lysis buffer ( 50mm tris - hcl ph 7 . 5 , 250mm nacl , 5mm edta , imm dtt , 0 . 1 % triton , 50mm sodium orthovanadate , looug / mg pmsf and tpck , 50ug / ml tlck , 1 ug / ml leupeptin pepstatin and aprotinin ) , frozing them below - 70 , and then thawing them at room temperature for 10 min
2 . westem印迹将处理组及对照组小鼠一细胞g2期受精卵各200个取出,转移到ep - pendoff管中, 5000甲m离心4分钟,弃去上清,加入ro川粉碎缓冲液,充分振荡混匀,在液氮中经过2一3次的冻融循环,迫使卵细胞裂解,加人等量的样品缓冲液沸水中煮5分钟,用于westem印迹分析。