异常个案 meaning in Chinese
atypical case
- They were all referred for specialist treatment . there were 450 clients with infections and medication was prescribed
检查结果发现有一百三十个异常个案,当中有三个证实为癌病。 - The purpose of a preschool children health management program was the protection of physical and mental health , through the early health screening to detect any abnormal physical conditions and then by prompt referral and treatment to quickly regain health
目的在维护儿童身心健康,期能透过健康筛检的办理早期发现异常个案,进而转介、矫治,并促使其早日恢复健康。 - The results indicated that the screening rate was positively correlated with the legislation of the kindergartens ; the abnormal rate was around 4 - 5 % each year and was no different in different countie , but the referral rate was low ; the use of medical resources after referral was high as 90 % ; the accuracy of screening was around 50 % each year as was the trend of increased accuracy ; the total cost of health screening was around $ 4200 million between 1997 to 1999 but only $ 1800 million in 1995 due to lower costs per case and $ 2600 million in 2000 due to fewer cases screened
研究发现儿童接受筛检率与立案率有显著的正相关;异常个案管理转介人数,各县市之间差距不大,历年比率在4 % ~ 5 %之间,转介比率偏低;经转介之后的就医百分比,历年均在九成以上;筛检正确率,历年均在五成以上,且有逐年升高之趋势;健康筛检经费, 86至88年度健康筛检经费均在四千二百万以上, 85年因每人次检查费用较低,健康筛检经费将近一千八百万, 89年度则因筛检人数较少,总费用约?二千六百万。