
底撑 meaning in Chinese

bottom bracing


  1. The almuinium material used for all main parts of yiteng track and panels system , such as frames , telescopic piece , top & bottom seals is 6063t6 ( the highest standard number for aluminium alloy ) high - strength industrial aluminium alloy produced by belgium aliplast group
    用于邑腾隔断所有型号路轨及所有型号屏风四周边框、伸缩板、上下顶底撑等主件铝型材均采用比利时奥里伯斯集团生产的6063t6 (铝合金最高标号)的高强度工业用铝合金。

Related Words

  1. 撑木
  2. 主撑
  3. 蹲撑
  4. 轨道撑
  5. 剪刀撑
  6. 撑握
  7. 木地撑
  8. 下隅撑
  9. 撑臂角铁
  10. 磁撑电
  11. 底衬用纱
  12. 底衬圆
  13. 底撑筹件
  14. 底成形术
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