
应负 meaning in Chinese

be held responsible for


  1. He can and should delegate tactical responsibility .
  2. He meets squarely the crucial question of a man's responsibility for making so serious an error .
  3. He did not shrink either from the responsibility which he incurred, or from the personal exertions required .
  4. America contributed to the disaster in cambodia not because it did too much but because it did too little .
  5. Second, there is the related fact each government is presumed by law to be adequate to the program responsibilities vested in it .
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Related Words

  1. 负惩罚
  2. 负子句
  3. 负输出
  4. 负干涉
  5. 石负
  6. 负后效
  7. 负螺纹
  8. 负速度
  9. 负定性
  10. 负关系
  11. 应付租金帐户
  12. 应付租赁款
  13. 应负财务责任的,应计列的
  14. 应负财务责任人员
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