
嵌入码 meaning in Chinese

imbedded code


  1. This thesis introduces the concept of qosmecs and proposes a new method to construct the square - matrix embeddable space - time block codes matrices based on the works of tarokh , alamouti and jafakhani etc . comparing to the previous works , the construction formulas presented here are much simple with the same performance of the matrices constructed
    本文基于tarokh 、 alamouti和jafakhani等人的研究成果,引入了准正交方阵嵌入码的概念,提出了一种新颖的方阵嵌入空时分组码的设计方法。在生成同样性能码矩阵的情况下,本文提出的构造公式与已有设计方法相比要简单得多。

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  4. 嵌入过程
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  6. 嵌入河流
  7. 嵌入算子
  8. 嵌入键
  9. 嵌入生长
  10. 嵌入边缘
  11. 嵌入螺母
  12. 嵌入螺栓
  13. 嵌入马尔柯夫链
  14. 嵌入马尔科夫链
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