
对流作用 meaning in Chinese



  1. One of the ways to dissipate perspiration is by convection
  2. One of the ways to dissipate perspiration is by convection
  3. Numerical simulation of the solidification process under the effect of nature convection
  4. The effect of the change of surface elevation on the wave development and elimination is pointed out for the first time , which provides the necessary theoretical basis for the development of united current - wave - tide model ; hi the discussion of the effects of waves on currents , a variety of wave - induced forces on the geostrophic and viscous condition and their producing mechanism are introduced systematically , their corresponding wave - induced currents are also analyzed qualitatively . moreover , a complete expression of wave - induced reynolds stresses tensor is presented for the first time

Related Words

  1. 对流
  2. 双向对流
  3. 部分对流
  4. 对流街
  5. 对流热交换
  6. 对流校正
  7. 对流窝
  8. 对流通风
  9. 对流降雨
  10. 对流折射
  11. 对流转移
  12. 对流自吸
  13. 对六种有害物质限值
  14. 对笼
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