宽胸 meaning in Chinese
relieve the chest stuffiness
relieving the chest stuffiness
sooth the chest oppression
soothe the chest oppression
- And with that he took the bloody old towser by the scruff of the neck and , by jesus , he near throttled him . the figure seated on a large boulder at the foot of a round tower was that of a broadshouldered deepchested stronglimbed frankeyed redhaired freely freckled shaggybearded wide - mouthed largenosed longheaded deepvoiced barekneed brawnyhanded hairylegged ruddyfaced sinewyarmed hero
坐在圆形炮塔脚下大圆石上的那个人生得肩宽胸厚,四肢健壮,眼神坦率,红头发,满脸雀斑,胡子拉碴,阔嘴大鼻,长长的头,嗓音深沉,光着膝盖,膂力过人,腿上多毛,面色红润,胳膊发达,一副英雄气概。 - He sat by john thornton ' s fire , a broad - breasted dog , white - fanged and long - furred ; but behind him were the shades of all manner of dogs , half wolves and wild wolves , urgent and prompting , tasting the savor of the meat he ate , thirsting for the water he drank , scenting the wind with him , listening with him and telling him the sounds made by the wild life in the forest ; dictating his moods , directing his actions , lying down to sleep with him when he lay down , and dreaming with him and beyond him and becoming themselves the stuff of his dreams